`Thames & Hudson` の検索結果
The Aztecs (Third Edition)
Archaeology Theories Methods and Practice 第5版
Palenque : eternal city of the Maya
Discovery!: Unearthing the New Treasures of Archaeology
Ancient North America: The Archaeology of a Continent 第4版
The complete world of human evolution
Archaeology Theories Methods and Practice 第4版
Genes, Memes and Human History: Darwinian Archaeology and Cultural Evolution
The Tarim mummies
Peoples of the Northwest Coast: Their Archaeology and Prehistory
Archaeology Theories Methods and Practice 第3版
The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know What We Know About The Past
Kingdoms of Gold, Kingdoms of Jade: The Americas before Columbus(黄金の王国、翡翠の王国:コロンブス以前のアメリカ大陸)
Teotihuacan: Art from the City of the Gods (テオティワカン 神々の都の芸術 )
The Incas and Their Ancestors: The Archaeology of Peru(インカの人々とその祖先: ペルー考古学)
Writing for Antiquity: An Anthology of Editorials from Antiquity
Scribes, Warriors and Kings: The City of Copan and the Ancient Maya(書記、戦士、そして王: コパンの街と古代マヤ)
Archaeology Theories Methods and Practice 第2版
Knowth and the Passage Tombs of Ireland
Roman Britain: Outpost of the Empire
The Sea Peoples: Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean 1250-1150 B C
Chalcatzingo: Excavations on the Olmec Frontier(チャルカツィンゴ オルメカ・フロンティアの発掘 )
A History of American Archaeology